21Jun2023A new Barbie video for Warner Bros.‘ highly-anticipated fantasy comedy has been revealed, featuring new footage of Barbie Land. The film is scheduled to hit theaters on July 21. The TV spot features Barbie (Margot Robbie) as she brings America...
14Jun2023The Barbie movie MPA rating for Warner Bros.’ upcoming live-action film adaptation of Mattel’s iconic toy line has been revealed. According to Film Ratings, Greta Gerwig’s fantasy comedy has officially been given a PG-13 rating for...
10Jun2023Barbie is currently set to outperform Oppenheimer in its opening weekend box office. It has been a well-known fact in the film community that two big movies are coming out on the same day this summer: Barbie, the fantasy comedy directed by Greta Gerw...
30May2023The Barbie movie (2023) looks to be one of the strangest movies released this year, as Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling fill the plastic shoes of Barbie and Ken for an adventure that somehow transports them from Barbieland to the real world. But when w...
26May2023Margot Robbie is set to play Barbie in the film about the iconic fashion doll, but when Robbie and writer/director Greta Gerwig were casting the role, they determined that one actress exemplified Barbie in every way — Gal Gadot. “Gal Gado...
25May2023A new Barbie trailer has been released, showing viewers more of the titular character’s journey to the real world. The trailer portrays Margot Robbie’s Barbie becoming curious about the concepts of death and existence, leading her to ente...
19May2023During a recent appearance on The Today Show, former WWE superstar John Cena recalled how he was able to nab the merman role in Greta Gerwig’s upcoming Barbie. Cena described his casting as a “happy accident,” and revealed that Osca...
4Apr2023After an initial teaser last year, a Barbie trailer for the highly anticipated film from director Greta Gerwig has been released alongside a litany of new character posters. In the latest Barbie trailer, more of the upcoming film is shown off. The wo...
29Dec2022The upcoming Barbie movie, directed by Greta Gerwig, has already developed a following thanks to the abundance of intriguing set pictures from shooting earlier this year. Then finally, the first official footage of the film was released earlier this...
16Dec2022The first Barbie teaser trailer has been released, setting the eccentric tone for the upcoming movie. The Warner Bros. release has a summer 2023 release date window. It’s our best look yet at the cast, which is led by Margot Robbie, who also se...
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