By: Jay's Movie Blog
10Oct2012In a bit of irony, my birthday was when MoviePass launched their latest incarnation (which, I think, would be MP 3.0), making it much easier to use on the go and at more theaters. But I wound up seeing fewer movies, because I kept waiting for the ca...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
16Jan2012Okay; new plan: This Week In Tickets goes up when I get to the office on Monday morning, because punctuality is cool when you do something on a regular basis.(Note: That sentence was written at 11:10pm Sunday night)(Yes, I know it would have done th...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
2Jan2012There's a good entry to be written about the three very specific places where these films take place, but it's been the better part of a month since I saw some of them and would like to get to plowing through a few other things. So let's pretend I d...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
16Nov2011There was going to be another preview on this post (or the next), but I missed out on Sunday's ArtsEmerson member screening of The Muppets. Funny thing was, I told other people about it. If I ever find out that I lost my seat to one of those people...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
7Oct2011Ah, a busy weekend of seeing movies. The week was mostly consumed with watching the end of the Red Sox' kind-of-amazing collapse. Exhausting sports fandom, but I recovered enough to treat myself a little on my birthday weekend:Let me tell you, I di...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
29Sep2011It's a little fitting that a Red Sox game (even in rain delay) kept me from doing this right after the review was posted to EFC, it's a sort of payback for turning my back on the team for a couple of hours on Monday - they're going to take my attenti...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
14Jan2011The first full week of the new year was, in fact, a full week:Stubless: The Matsugane Potshot Affair (Friday, 7 January 2011, 7pm, at MIT E51-151) and A Gentle Breeze In the Village (Saturday, 8 January 2011, 7pm, MIT E51-151)One more reason why I ho...
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