13May2023Actor Sean Gunn has gone into detail about his two roles in the upcoming DC Studios animated series Creature Commandos. Who does Sean Gunn play in Creature Commandos? As part of an interview with Comic Book Movie, Gunn delved into his two Creature Co...
15Apr2023James Gunn has take to Twitter to disprove a rumor about a Ron Perlman Creature Commandos role. A Twitter user recently asked Gunn, who is Co-CEO of DC Studios, if fans will soon find out about who Hellboy star Ron Perlman will play in Creature Comma...
12Apr2023Not long after the actor spoke about how he’d be appearing in the new DC Universe, Frank Grillo‘s role in James Gunn’s DCU has been revealed. The Wrap has reported that Grillo will be playing Rick Flag Sr. in the upcoming animated s...
12Apr2023DC’s planned animated series Creature Commandos has rounded out its cast, with James Gunn confirming a report from Collider that the series will feature a star-studded cast headlined by David Harbour. Alongside Harbour, Creature Commandos will...
27Feb2023James Gunn, director and Co-CEO of DC Studios, has given a Creature Commandos production update and a hint about the contents of the Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 soundtrack over Twitter. Replying to a Twitter user who asked about Creature Commandos...
2Feb2023DC Studios Co-CEO James Gunn has taken to Twitter to clarify a few details pertaining to the major DC Universe announcements that were made earlier this week. To start, Gunn quickly confirmed that Creature Commandos and the Peacemaker spin-off Waller...
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