22Jun2023ComingSoon is excited to debut the Dances With Films 2023 trailer for the film festival, which is celebrating its 26th year. Dances with Films is running June 22 through July 2 at the iconic TCL Chinese Theater in Hollywood. Produced by Jeffrey Willi...
3Jun2023ComingSoon is excited to debut the Heightened trailer for the comedy movie that deals with obsessive-compulsive disorder and social anxiety. It is written and directed by Sara Friedman, who also stars in the movie alongside Dave Register, Mike Mitche...
3Jun2023ComingSoon is excited to debut the Glue Trap trailer for the upcoming movie written and directed by Justin Geldzahler. The movie stars Brittany Bradford, Isaac W. Jay, Gloria Bangiola, Alex Warheit, Caroline Hertz, and Kasey Marr. It is set to make i...
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