Film Rolls, Round 16: X Y & Zee and A Reason to Live, a Reason to Die

By: Jay's Movie Blog


When "season two" happens post-Fantasia, I'm going to make a much more earnest attempt to keep up with what the score is rather than just calculating it as I do the posts. Or maybe at least do the posts much more quickly, so that I know th...

Film Rolls, Round 15: (De Niro + De Palma) x 4 and House of Cards

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Since there's (currently) a five-month lag between me doing this and me writing it up,.I've been very curious to see just how this evens things out. Mookie with the 20! It's his second, and exceptionally fortuitous because it lands him on the box...

Film Rolls, Round 14: You Shoot, I Shoot and The Shock Labyrinth

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Hey, here's a fun spot to land, even if I had some reasons for reservations.given the specific movies. There was a big delay between the stuff in Round 13 and this as the IFFBoston Fall Focus and a vacation had me not messing with the shelf much, bu...

Film Rolls, Round 13: Zu: Warriors From the Magic Mountain and Sex & Zen 3D: Extreme Ecstasy

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Oops, I skipped Mookie and Bruce wound up going first this round! Not that it really matters, because this is not a real game as opposed to a game-shaed thing, but fortunately fate made it up to Mookie. Bruce rolls a 17 and lands in the Tsui Hark...

Film Rolls, Round 12: Lady in a Cage and July Rhapsody

By: Jay's Movie Blog


We're at what may be my favorite part of the gameboard here, where American cinema exits the Golden Age and where Hong Kong is hitting its heyday; it's an impressive run of anything-can-happen material, between weird and just generally interesting.

Film Rolls, Round 10: The Other Side of Gentleman and Le Doulos

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Oops, another case where I ordered something in a Kino Lorber sale because I didn't recognize it but thought it sounded good, though the reason it sounded good was because the description was actually that of a movie I've seen and enjoyed. Well, goo...

Film Rolls, Round 9: The Dragon Chronicles: The Maidens of Heavenly Mountain and Mr. & Mrs. Gambler

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I'm not sure whether the "Western" or "Chinese" section of the gameboard is larger, but I have to admit that the Western one feels a bit more diverse; the random impulse buys from Kino Lorber seem to cast a bigger net than when I'...

Film Rolls, Round 8: Project A, Project A II, and The Wicked City

By: Jay's Movie Blog


When we last left these guys, two middling Hong Kong supernatural comedies had left Bruce's lead intact, but there are still some ways for Mookie to make up some ground For instance, this 9 gets Mookie to Project A II, and because these films have...

Film Rolls, Round 7: The Dead and the Deadly and The Haunted Cop Shop

By: Jay's Movie Blog


This isn't the first round that works as a themed pairing - things started off with two silent collections, after all - but the board has kind of been set up to make it relatively rare, with the boxes mostly ordered in such a way that you'll jump fro...

Film Rolls, Round 6: Pitfall and Bruce's Box Set

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Definitely a weird round, between something I had apparently already seen sneaking into the "unseen" shelf (it happens) and the sort of unbalancing coincidence that would raise questions about the legitimacy of the competition if this were...

Film Rolls, Round 5: Luca and Stage Fright

By: Jay's Movie Blog


The top row is a weird place, because there's a point where you jump from very early western movies to fairly recent ones, and then soon after you jump from very recent ones to reasonably early. Like so: That ten gets Mookie right at the end of t...

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