Next Week in Tickets: Films playing Boston 23 May 2014 - 29 May 2014

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I could be watching movies over the long weekend, but I'll probably be going a hundred miles out of my way to help my brother move because it's the only chance I'll have to see another brother for months. (Shakes fist at sky) So, I probably won't s...

This Week In Tickets: 17 March 2014 - 23 March 2014

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Quiet week, what with being busy at work and having a good chunk of my weekend claimed. Not particularly complaining, mind you: There have been weeks at work when I have worried I'm not doing enough to be kept on, and the weekend was a chance to...

Gathr Previews: Hide Your Smiling Faces

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I must admit... I was kind of surprised to be greeted at the screening for Hide Your Smiling Faces with a comment about how I was there for the last hurrah, if only because they had charged my credit card for another three months of membership just...

Gathr Previews: Next Goal Wins, The Forgotten Kingdom, On My Way

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I missed one Gathr preview series during the sci-fi festival, and I was actually kind of disappointed about that one; Adult World with John Cusack, Emma Roberts, and Cloris Leachman looked like it could be entertaining. On the other hand, that was t...

Gathr Preview Series: The Pretty One

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Was it a bit weird to come to the Regent on Monday for the screening? Well, not really; that's actually when it was held at the start. I will say, though, that it was weird to get into the auditorium and find people... Well, not actually in my se...

Gathr Previews Series: Wajma (An Afghan Love Story)

By: Jay's Movie Blog


My subscription to the Gathr Preview Series runs out in mid-March (not bad for a three-month membership purchased in September; cancellations and skip weeks must have caught up), and I must admit that at this point I'm not certain whether I will rene...

Gathr Previews Presents: Kids for Cash

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Before the movie, the folks at the Regent asked if I had any pull with the Gathr people, so that they could get something a little more upbeat in the series - Summer in February was admittedly a downer and this sort of movie can be a hard sell as wel...

This Week In Tickets: 6 Janary 2014 - 12 January 2014

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Indication that it's a new year: The desk calendar fits differently on the scanner. First full week in work and otherwise on a regular schedule in over a month, which was in some ways tough getting used to an in some ways reassuring; it was sort...

Gathr Previews Presents: Summer in February

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Tuesday night was among the coldest we've had in this area in a while, so let me tell you, being let into the theater a full half hour before the movie started was much appreciated. It was an interesting movie, although as it went on, I was kind of...

Gathr Previews Presents: Jump

By: Jay's Movie Blog


If I were really clever and writing fast enough to get the review of A Touch of Sin up while there was a little more left of it's brief run at the Brattle, it might have been a good idea to compare and contrast the two. Both movies, after all, are s...

This These Weeks In Tickets: 9 December 2013 - 22 December 2013

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Two weeks this time, because I didn't have a lot of time for writing while on vacation. Nor necessarily a lot of time for seeing movies, for that matter, but I saw a lot of other stuff. 9 December 2013 - 15 December 2013 16 December 2013 - 22 Decem...

Gathr Previews: Night Train to Lisbon

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Since the Regent isn't primarily a film venue - and even if it was, these screenings don't necessarily pack the house - December looks like it's wound up being full of conflicts. During the first week of the month, an event later in the week needed...

Gathr Preview Series: Cold Turkey

By: Jay's Movie Blog


I'm writing this on my way home from my own trip home for Thanksgiving, a pretty quick circuit to Portland, Maine to see my Dad, his wife, and her kids & grandkids, my brothers all being at their respective wives' families' gatherings. That's co...

This Week In Tickets: 1 November 2013 - 17 November 2013

By: Jay's Movie Blog


It's a good week for a movie blogger when there's reason to write about what interests you and be reasonably curtabout what doesn't. This week, for instance, there wasn't a whole to say about the first thing I saw, Monday's About Time, that necess...

This Week In Tickets: 4 November 2013 - 10 November 2013

By: Jay's Movie Blog


Can you tell baseball season's over and the fall TV slate is uninspiring by the sheer volume of tickets on this page? Stubless: Inside Llewyn Davis, Brattle Theatre, 7 November 2013, 7:30pm Kind of busy. and that's using Wednesday to hit the co...

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