19May2023Another video for Sony Pictures‘ highly anticipated Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse has been unveiled, highlighting to one of Miles Morales’ newest Spider-Men friends in the latest installment. The 30-second character video features K...
29Mar2023Two major players from the first two Deadpool movies are coming back, with Deadline reporting that Karan Soni and Leslie Uggams will appear in the upcoming Deadpool 3. Soni and Uggams played the fan-favorite characters Dopinder and Blind Al, respecti...
2Mar2023Karan Soni is making the leap into the animated world of Marvel films, with One Take News reporting that the actor is set to voice the role of Spider-Man India in the upcoming Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse. According to the report, Soni is set...
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