The third season of Warrior is topping the Max schedule for June 26-July 2. Starting on Thursday, June 29, fans can watch the first three episodes of Warrior season 3 on Max. Based on the writings of Bruce Lee, the series follows a martial artis...
22Jun2023Warner Bros. Animation has announced the full Tiny Toons Looniversity cast for its upcoming animated reboot of Tiny Toon Adventures. The cast features the return of Jeff Bergman as Bugs Bunny/ Sylvester/ Foghorn Leghorn, Bob Bergen as Porky Pig, and...
20Jun2023During the recent episode of Inside of You with Michael Rosenbaum podcast, James Gunn has finally gave an update about Peacemaker Season 2, confirming that the project is still moving forward despite his busy schedule with directing Superman: Legacy.
19Jun2023The Righteous Gemstones season 3 release date and time have been revealed. The next episode will air on Max. The episode will show Baby Billy moving in a new direction after getting tired of his life. Will the get-together for Gemstones’ cousin...
The Max schedule for June 19-25 has been confirmed, revealing the new TV shows and moves being added to the streaming service. On Wednesday, June 21, Max will add The Stroll to its available content. Directed by Kristen Lovell and Zackary Drucker, th...
16Jun2023Nearly two months since its successful theatrical debut, the Evil Dead Rise Max release date has been revealed for the streaming debut of New Line Cinema’s latest installment to the long-running horror franchise. The supernatural thriller will...
16Jun2023The Idol episode 4 release date and time have been revealed. The next episode will air on Max. The episode, titled ‘Stars Belong to the World,’ will show Jocelyn’s increasing involvement with Tedros, which concerns her team. The pop...
16Jun2023The Righteous Gemstone season 3’s release date and time has been revealed. The next episode will air on Max. Episodes 1 and 2 will see Patriarch Eli in mourning as his wife passes away. His kids prepare to take over the mega-church after their...
15Jun2023The Flash HBO Max release date is scheduled to happen sooner rather than later and viewers are wondering when they can start streaming the movie. With the movie already out in the theaters, it is proving to be one of the best DC films according to cr...
15Jun2023The official Ten Year Old Tom Season 2 trailer for the upcoming return of Max‘s adult-animated sitcom has been released, teasing another disastrous school year for the titular elementary kid. The video previews the crazy new shenanigans he will...
14Jun2023Production on The Penguin has been paused, as the DC series will be on hold as a result of the ongoing WGA strike. Deadline has reported that The Penguin’s production has been paused indefinitely until the writers strike has been resolved. The...
14Jun2023Many people are wondering “Is Max the same as HBO Max?” following the sudden name change across the app. Here’s the need-to-know info about the HBO service and whether or not Max and HBO Max are the same thing. Are Max and HBO Max t...
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