By: Jay's Movie Blog
22Aug2022I should have made some notes on just why things dragged out my mornings, because on this day it knocked out the first movie of the day (not that I was really that excited about an underground-fight-club movie), and then the second film of the day wa...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
21Apr2020Yeah, I'm looking at the dates I saw these movies and the dates I've posted full reviews on eFilmCritic and just kind of sighing. Insert the usual comments about how I need to commit to cranking through things faster, not working my day job during t...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
8Feb2020On the one hand, I'm sad that Away didn't wind up getting a theatrical release, because I really loved it and the audience was into it. On the other, you can purchase it on Amazon Prime Video for six bucks in HD. You can also rent it for two or thr...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
26Jul2019You know what's in no way awesome? When your phone doesn't charge overnight or while you're working despite being plugged in, so it's not ready for duty when you head out for the festival. Luckily, there were no guests, or you'd be seeing how good...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
17Jul2019The original plan was to start Tuesday later, but I opted to actually get some sleep on Saturday. Fortunately, the gang from Porno stuck around: That's director Keola Racela, writers Matt Black & Laurence Vannicelli, producer Chris Cole, and...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
26Nov2018This is taking embarrassingly long - 9 reviews since the first catch-up post almost two months ago is a crappy pace, but it's been a busy year and there aren't enough people on eFilmCritic covering mainstream films, so I feel weirdly obligated. Good...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
17Jul2018Can't say I really liked the first movie I saw today, but an entertaining Q&A helps it go down better. That is Camera Lucida programmer Ariel Esteban Coyer flanked by Relaxer director Joel Potrykus and co-star David Dastmalchian, who both talk...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
28Jul2017A bit longer than I expected, as I was putting it at 50/50 that Dead Man Tells His Own Tale wouldn't let out in time for me to get into the night's big attraction, and it was close enough that I wondered if I should walk away, get an early start on w...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
5Jul2017It's a real shame that it often takes me saying "hey, I can do something else in New York while I'm there!" to get me to the New York Asian Film Festival, but it does. It runs right into Fantasia - my favorite film festival - on the schedu...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
3Aug2014Running a day behind again, because, honestly, midnight movies and morning anime are just too much. Filmmakers! Meet Bros Before Hos stars Tim Haars and directors Steffen Haars & Flip Van der Kuil. Maybe they're in a different order; I recog...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
30Jul2014Not going to lie: Most days in the office I'm barely getting up to spead by 1pm or so, when I knock off during these half-days. It also doesn't help that I never found the time to make a supermarket run so that I've got pop-tarts or something in my...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
15Apr2014Some year, I'm going to be up and about early enough for BUFF's Saturday Morning Cartoons program, although maybe it's better that I don't. As much as I think I've got a pretty good attitude about not getting wrapped up in nostalgia or romanticizing...
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