By: Jay's Movie Blog
2Aug2022A very animated Saturday, as my "grew up in the 1980s and that's when you watched cartoons" brain says should be the case. Sure, Demigod is technically puppetry, but you get the idea. Just the one guest, My Grandfather's Demons director...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
6May2020This movie didn't really land quite so well as I'd hoped, and one of the things I initially wondered is if it was because it was the first of Dupieux's films that I've seen at home, rather than in a theater, be it festival, midnight, or "regular...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
20Jul2015Fun day yesterday - arriving at Hall just in time for the Chinese wuxia puppet movie, I was surprised to find that it was playing in 3D! I must admit, I sometimes feel a little odd when I read movie Twitter or internet or dead trees, because it some...
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