The upcoming Disney+ Secret Invasion series is set to explore the ground level of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Focused more on spies and aliens than superheroes, Secret Invasion will unite many of the government agents and more human characters in...
24May2023That transition from high school to college is rough. Not everyone handles it well, especially when someone goes from being the most popular person in the hallways to nobody important. The elite from Bayside graduated, leaving Mr. Belding and the tea...
1May2023ComingSoon recently spoke with actor Drew Waters about his career and his work on HBO Max’s Love & Death from David E. Kelley. Drew Waters’ career is interesting, as he spent eight years in the U.S. Navy before making the leap into en...
27Apr2023Sweet Tooth showrunner Jim Mickle believes Season 2 of the show is mixing even more themes than before. The first season of the adaptation of the comic book of the same name by Jeff Lemire premiered in 2021, and it was well received by fans and criti...
26Apr2023Sweet Tooth stars Christian Convery and Naledi Murray believe the sophomore season of the Netflix series shares an important message about family and friendship. While talking with the young actors and the rest of the cast, ComingSoon asked about the...
25Apr2023Sweet Tooth Season 2 is only a few days away, and Nonso Anozie, Dania Ramirez & Adeel Akhtar couldn’t be happier for their on-screen return. Ahead of the upcoming season, ComingSoon spoke with the actors who portray Tommy Jepperd (Anozie),...
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