By: Jay's Movie Blog
31Jul2018Going to have to circle back around for Sunday, because it was shorts day, and there's twenty of those things which probably take a half-hour each to write up even if they only lasted five minutes. Remember that the next time you say critics are pai...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
7Aug2015No visitors? No visitors. Just a full day that had me really scrambling out of "the office" early enough that I feel like I'm going to have to make some of this week up somehow and just enough time between Crumbs and Marshland to grab din...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
10Sep2012Busy week! A lot of it was packed into the weekend, but there was a lot of good variety. I must admit, I'm kind of disappointed in myself that all I did for moviegoing on Labor Day was The Ocean Waves; I was still pretty wiped out from the pre-co...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
9Sep2012This was not a good day at the movies, unless you count seeing the Cloud Atlas trailer twice. It probably didn't help that I'd been up until 4am writing my [REC] 3 review (hey, was still awake, alert, and rolling) but my body thought I should be up...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
7Aug2012Just one short today, and that was "Petite Mort" again in front of Vulgaria (and it's hard to think of a more suitable home for it!). Some filmmakers in attendence for horrible photography, though.That's Despite the Gods director Penny Voz...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
3Aug2012Three very busy shows where it (at times) looked like a press pass wasn't necessarily going to get someone in, and only one of them (Ace Attorney) had an extra screening scheduled. In fact, it's the only thing that's picked up an extra screening thi...
By: Jay's Movie Blog
30Jul2012Sunday was Fun Day at Fantasia. Not that this festival is usually anything less than a good time, but this one lined up a bunch of movies that I had a blast with as opposed to things that left me squirmy and uncomfortable. A day that goes "gre...
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