22Jun2023The Super Mario Bros. Movie producer Shigeru Miyamoto took to Twitter to share his gratitude to the fans who have supported Universal Pictures’ animated film adaptation of Nintendo’s popular video game franchise. Miyamoto is the Nintendo...
9Jun2023Universal is reportedly developing a The Legend of Zelda movie with Illumination. The Japanese action-adventure video game has been considered one of Nintendo’s most successful franchises. It follows various incarnations of Link, a brave young...
15May2023Illumination has set the official The Super Mario Bros. Movie digital release date, with the massively popular film set to arrive to home audiences later this week. When does The Super Mario Bros. Movie release digitally? The Super Mario Bros. Movie...
23Apr2023The Super Mario Bros. Movie has been a smash hit so far. As it continues to earn at the box office, legendary video game designer and Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has teased the possibility of future Nintendo movies based on Nintendo games. Speakin...
3Apr2023Mario, Bowser, Luigi, and Donkey Kong have been known to race against each other, and now the actors portraying them in the upcoming film have taken to the track, as well. One of the latest ads for The Super Mario Bros. Movie has Seth Rogen, Chris Pr...
30Mar2023Chris Pratt is well aware of the backlash against his Mario voice in The Super Mario Bros. Movie. He has explained why it wouldn’t work for a full feature-length film and now he is directly addressing the criticism. The actor told Extra that th...
29Jan2023A new The Super Mario Bros. Movie clip has been released by Illumination and Nintendo showing off a few seconds of new footage from Universal Pictures’ animated film. The new footage mostly shows Chris Pratt’s Mario transforming into Cat...
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