22Jun2023The Super Mario Bros. Movie producer Shigeru Miyamoto took to Twitter to share his gratitude to the fans who have supported Universal Pictures’ animated film adaptation of Nintendo’s popular video game franchise. Miyamoto is the Nintendo...
6Jun2023Two months after the successful theatrical release, Universal Pictures has announced The Super Mario Bros. Movie 4K and Blu-ray release date for Illumination’s latest adventure animated film. When is The Super Mario Bros. Movie 4K and Blu-ray r...
31May2023The Super Mario Bros. movie streaming release date rumors are beginning to swirl, with fans eager to know when it is coming out on Peacock, Netflix, and other services. With the movie being a big hit in theatres, it’s understandable why fans wa...
16May2023The Super Mario movie Peacock release date is a common question asked by fans of the red-hatted plumber. “When can I stream it?” users ask. Since the Super Mario Bros. film premiere, the Universal Pictures-produced animated movie met both...
15May2023Illumination has set the official The Super Mario Bros. Movie digital release date, with the massively popular film set to arrive to home audiences later this week. When does The Super Mario Bros. Movie release digitally? The Super Mario Bros. Movie...
13May2023Disney CEO Bob Iger praised the recently released Super Mario Bros. Movie, saying that it gives him and the rest of the company optimism about the movie business moving forward. What did Bob Iger have to say about The Super Mario Bros. Movie? During...
30Apr2023The money machine that won’t stop continues to dominate the box office results domestically and abroad. In its fourth weekend, The Super Mario Bros. Movie collected $40 million — a drop of just 30% — to raise its domestic total to $...
23Apr2023The Super Mario Bros. Movie has been a smash hit so far. As it continues to earn at the box office, legendary video game designer and Mario creator Shigeru Miyamoto has teased the possibility of future Nintendo movies based on Nintendo games. Speakin...
23Apr2023The Super Mario Bros. Movie can’t be stopped, as the box office results indicate. In its third weekend, the animated box office smash collected $58.2M — the best third weekend for an animated movie ever, per Deadline — and cruised c...
16Apr2023Universal/Illumination’s The Super Mario Bros. Movie held strong in weekend No. 2, grossing a whopping $87M at the domestic box office and besting even the loftiest projections for this week’s box office results. Per Deadline, the number...
The Super Mario Bros. Movie is doing gangbusters at the box office, both domestically and around the world. It now holds the record for highest opening for an animated movie of all time and should have some pretty decent legs in what looks to be a pr...
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