7Jun2023ComingSoon recently had the opportunity to sit down with talented stunt coordinator Chris Brewster to delve into the thrilling world of action-packed filmmaking. After talking to Chris Brewster, we gained insight into the experiences and inspirations...
2Jun2023Nearly two months since its theatrical release, the Renfield release date on Peacock has finally been revealed for the streaming debut of Universal Pictures’ latest horror comedy. The Nicholas Hoult-led movie will be available for streaming on...
16Apr2023Universal/Illumination’s The Super Mario Bros. Movie held strong in weekend No. 2, grossing a whopping $87M at the domestic box office and besting even the loftiest projections for this week’s box office results. Per Deadline, the number...
12Apr2023There is no other way to say it: Renfield is a bloody fun time. One of the bloodiest, funniest movies of the year; it is an absolute joy. Set in the modern day, Renfield (Nicholas Hoult) has moved with his master, Dracula (Nicolas Cage), to New Orlea...
Renfield is almost out in theaters, but it has just made its way to PC, albeit in a different form. Skybound Entertainment has announced a Renfield video game called Renfield: Bring Your Own Blood, and it’s out now. Renfield: Bring Your Own Blo...
1Jan2023Nicolas Cage is set to play Dracula in the upcoming Renfield, and while not a whole lot is known about the film, a recent interview will give fans some idea of how Cage is approaching the performance. Speaking to Empire Magazine, Cage revealed that h...
22Dec2022According to Film Ratings, Universal Pictures’ forthcoming horror comedy Renfield has officially been given a R-rating from the MPAA for “bloody violence, some gore, language throughout and some drug use.” The film’s rating do...
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